Masks, ALL masks, are DANGEROUS.
Masks MAKE you unhealthy.
Masks MAKE you sick.
Masks do NOT protect you from ANY viral disease.
Masks do NOT keep you from spreading ANY virus.
If you do NOT have COVID-19, masks, especially cloth masks, INCREASE your chance of catching it.
especially cloth masks, also increase your chances of catching many
other viruses such as Influenza, as well as bacterial diseases such as
Legionnaires' Disease, both of which are more deadly than COVID-19.
Masks, especially cloth masks, also cause health problems other than respiratory diseases.
you DO have COVID-19, or catch it, wearing ANY kind of mask will make
you SICKER, will make you STAY sick LONGER (called "Long COVID”), and
will make your long-term health much WORSE.
Most importantly, if you DO already have COVID-19, but you are asymptomatic, wearing a mask can KILL you before you even know you are sick.
You KNOW this – in your gut, in your heart, and in your mind, you KNOW that wearing a mask is useless at best, and downright dangerous at worst.
Wearing a mask doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t look right, it doesn't seem right, because it ISN’T right, and you KNOW it.
Masks are NOT “harmless.”
Wearing a mask is NOT “just an inconvenience.”
Masks do NOT “show you care.”
Wearing a mask is NOT your “civic duty.”
Mask mandates, whether made by governments or businesses, are NOT “reasonable,” they are not justified, and they are NOT LEGAL.
ANYONE who tells you otherwise, even “experts” from the CDC, the WHO, the U.S. Surgeon General, the Governors, the State Health Officials, Anthony Fauci, or even famous (or used-to-be famous) actors and actresses, are LYING to you.
Masks cause:
Masks do NOT:
These are FACTS, they are NOT “opinion” or “theory.”
FACTS are commonly known in the medical community from the lowliest
nursing assistant all the way up to his holiness Anthony Fauci.
THEY learned these facts in medical school.
YOU are going to learn these facts here.
We’ll show you WHY. We’ll show you HOW.
Read Next:
The DELETED Article That Started This Site
"A 'no' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble." -- Mahatma Gandhi
If you have information or ideas that we can use
or research that we can track down and archive, let us know!
"There will be times where we are powerless to injustice -- but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."
-- Morgan Freeman as Lord Bartok, "Last Knights" (2015 movie)
Support the Effort
Take off the Mask, put on the shirt, spread the word.
"Why do they want to destroy the past? To remove all reference points. If you have no idea what came before, you have no idea what normal is."
-- Tucker Carlson
Start Here
The DELETED Article That Started This Site
Surely Masks Work... Don't They?
Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science
Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected?
Facemasks in the Era of COVID-19: A Health Hypothesis
Masks Couldn't Hurt... Right?
'Silent Hypoxia' May Be Killing COVID-19 Patients
Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy
Correlation Between Masks and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe
Studies "Prove" Masks Work...
QUACK Apologizes for Pushing Masks
Bret Weinstein Struggles with Masks
Anthony Fauci is a "Sad Little Man"
Unmasked the Global Failure of Mask Mandates"You can never have an honorable disagreement with the hysterics."
-- Tom Woods
if you find a broken link on this site, or one that has been "scrubbed" of the information it is supposed to reference.
Masks Off! Fight On!
-- Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin
"This is not a case of lives lost vs. money lost; this is a choice between lives lost one way vs. lives lost another way."
-- Peter Hitchens
"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
-- George Orwell
"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves."
-- Eric Hoffer