Home > Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serous Risks to the Healthy
Pointing out that masks are counter-indicated, especially for the healthy, is taboo. Fortunately, Dr. Blaylock is more concerned with the truth than with popular opinion:
Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy
May 16th 2020
Written By: Dr. Russell Blaylock
With the advent of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a number of medical practices that have little or no scientific support as regards reducing the spread of this infection. One of these measures is the wearing of facial masks, either a surgical-type mask, bandana or N95 respirator mask. When this pandemic began and we knew little about the virus itself or its epidemiologic behavior, it was assumed that it would behave, in terms of spread among communities, like other respiratory viruses. Little has presented itself after intense study of this virus and its behavior to change this perception.
This is somewhat of an unusual virus in that for the vast majority of people infected by the virus, one experiences either no illness (asymptomatic) or very little sickness. Only a very small number of people are at risk of a potentially serious outcome from the infection--mainly those with underlying serious medical conditions in conjunction with advanced age and frailty, those with immune compromising conditions and nursing home patients near the end of their lives. There is growing evidence that the treatment protocol issued to treating doctors by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mainly intubation and use of a ventilator (respirator), may have contributed significantly to the high death rate in these select individuals.
Masks have been called a "petri dish" for good reason. If you do get exposed to COVID-19 (or any virus or bacteria) and you start to incubate a disease, wearing a mask will concentrate the problem increasing your chances of getting sick, and increasing the likelihood that the disease will be much worse than if you had been breathing freely.
"There is another danger to wearing these masks on a daily basis, especially if worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath. If they are wearing a mask, especially an N95 mask or other tightly fitting mask, they will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. We know that people who have the worst reactions to the coronavirus have the highest concentrations of the virus early on. And this leads to the deadly cytokine storm in a selected number."
Masks do NOT protect you from catching COVID-19 (or any other disease).
My mask makes me sick; your mask makes you sick.
Let's just STOP, shall we?
Home > Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serous Risks to the Healthy
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The DELETED Article That Started This Site
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Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science
Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected?
Facemasks in the Era of COVID-19: A Health Hypothesis
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Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy
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Unmasked the Global Failure of Mask Mandates"You can never have an honorable disagreement with the hysterics."
-- Tom Woods
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