Home > Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected?

Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected?

Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected? by John A. Molinari, PhD; Peri Nelson, BS

This article, originally published March 16, 2016, on the website OralHealthGroup.com, is concerned with the effectiveness of medical-grade face masks in the prevention of respiratory disease transmission between patients and health care professionals (HCPs) in a dental clinic setting.

Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected? by John A. Molinari, PhD; Peri Nelson, BS


Published reports in the 1960s investigated reported increases in upper respiratory tract infections in dentists from airborne splashes, spatter, and aerosols generated during use of high-speed handpieces.

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Pay close attention to the fact that this article does NOT state that masks prevent the transmission of any disease, nor does it reference ANY research that shows mask usage reduces the infection rates for either HCPs or patients.

Further, this article DOES acknowledge that masks are a SOURCE of infection when improperly used.

As quoted from this article:

"Masks have a use-life. It is important to remember that masks are manufactured as single-use disposable items.

They become wet on the outside with prolonged wear and exposure to spatter and aerosols. In addition, the wearer’s breath also moistens the inside fabric layer.

A mask can lose its protective filtration quality over time as a result of fluid exposure from both sides, and thus become a nidus of microbial accumulation. [Translation: Masks collect and breed germs.]

Airborne microorganisms can subsequently penetrate through the wet fabric by a process called “wicking.”

Wet masks should therefore be changed every 20 minutes when challenged during procedures that generate heavy levels of spatter and aerosols, and after 60 minutes in non-aerosol environments."

Get that?

Masks should be worn for NO MORE THAN 60 minutes (one hour), and then should be thrown away (NOT reused).

Even if this ideal is followed, there is still no indication that masks prevent the spread of any disease.

All that happens is everyone looks like they're doing something  useful when really, they're not.

The only accomplishment is the creation of more trash.

Home > Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected?

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