Home > Get the Shirts
Take off the mask, put on the shirt, spread the word.
Get the T-shirt that spreads the message to everyone -- let THIS be the virus.
Free the world.
YOU know masks don't work -- they CAN'T work, but people still believe in the fantasy.
Send 'em to us, we'll fix it.
Tired of this circus? Long for the days when you weren't allowed to wear a mask into a bank?
Tell 'em what you think.
Some people just need it rubbed in their faces -- the Oppose the Mask message, that is.
Fling it back at 'em.
Remember it years ago? The "My Body, My Choice." Why doesn't that apply now?
We got it, use it.
Who would have thought it? The cute little one-cup face bra fits that boob perfectly.
Let 'em know!
Tired of being asked about "your" mask (or shot, or test)?
Give them the straight answer.
Masks are killing people, not saving them. Stop this madness and make sure it never happens again.
Trash the Mask. Breathe.
Home > Get the Shirts
"A 'no' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble." -- Mahatma Gandhi
If you have information or ideas that we can use
or research that we can track down and archive, let us know!
"There will be times where we are powerless to injustice -- but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."
-- Morgan Freeman as Lord Bartok, "Last Knights" (2015 movie)