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Experts Say Masks Are Useless Against COVID-19
Jul 2, 2020 Pyrogun1839
As an expert on infectious diseases, Lisa Brousseau, ScD, says, “Cloth masks are wishful thinking.” Many other healthcare experts also explain why masks are pointless in the fight against COVID-19 in this July 2020 compilation.
[Announcer Truth Unmasked]: Healthy people are being warned against using face masks to protect themselves against the virus. As Justine Conway explains, experts fear incorrect use could lead to more infection.
[clip] DANIEL ANDREWS, Premier: “Wearing masks like that is wasting a mask. That’s a mask that won’t be available when it’s actually needed.”
JUSTINE CONWAY: The state government’s advice on wearing facemasks is in line with the World Health Organization. Under its guidelines masks should only be worn if you have a cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, or if you are healthy and taking care of someone with these symptoms and/or someone with a confirmed case of Covid-19.
[clip] CHRISTINE FRANCIS, World Health Organisation: “If you do not have these symptoms, you do not have to wear masks because there is no evidence that they protect people who are not sick.”
JUSTINE CONWAY: And while they may offer some sense of security, experts warn if you wear a mask the wrong way it could actually make you sick.
[clip] Dr. HOLLY SEALE, University of NSW Social Scientist: “When I’ve been walking about, I’ve been seeing people touching the front of the masks, adjusting the masks on their face, and then going and touching other things.”
[clip] DR. GREGORY POLAND, COVID-19 Expert: “We don’t want the public to think that the recommendation is for medical masking. That would be detrimental to us as a society. Healthcare providers and patients who are sick with the disease need those masks. Once a mask gets wet, maybe from our exhalation, it really begins to decrement in effectiveness in filtering any sort of respiratory particulate matter. The second thing is, you do yourself no favor if you wear a mask and then touch the mask, either to adjust it, or take it off in the wrong way. You do not touch the front of the mask; and then that mask needs to be washed before it would be used again.”
[Announcer]: But, general mask-wearing probably won’t help because what’s needed is the sophisticated N95 mask, the one in short supply for frontline medical staff.
[clip] DR. A. JAY CHAUHAN, President, Chicago Medical Society: “The N95 mask has adequate filtration for viruses. If you wear a surgical mask, uh, that doesn’t provide adequate protection.”
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When To Use A Mask
For healthy people wear a mask only if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection
Wear a mask, if you are coughing or sneezing
Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
If you wear a mask then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly
--World Health Organization
[Announcer]: The CDC is saying masks should only be worn if you’re sick or you’re taking care of someone who is. Surgical masks are not that effective either.
[clip] DR. A. JAY CHAUHAN, President, Chicago Medical Society: “If you sneeze, that prevents the droplets from going out at a very small angle, doesn’t prevent it from going out the side of your mask. Uh, my concern is that people will feel a false sense of security using a type of mask that may not protect others from their illness.”
[LBC Broadcaster speaking to Dr. Margaret Harris, WHO]: “Is it wise, or is it pointless, to wear a face mask?”
DR. MARGARET HARRIS, WHO: “We don’t recommend wearing a face mask unless you are coughing or sneezing a lot. And, uh, coughing or sneezing, I’m talking about any respiratory infection, and people, so, people misunderstand the face mask – they think the face mask is about protecting themselves, it’s actually about protecting others if you are producing a lot of respiratory, uh, droplets, to put it gently. And, uh, so essentially, and one of the risks with the face masks is people struggle to wear them for long. They’re very uncomfortable. And they tend to touch them a lot. And if you touch the front of your face mask and it’s wet, whatever respiratory bugs you’ve coughed out onto your face mask, ah, will go onto your hand and then you will put it onto other surfaces. So, no, we say yes, there’s an appropriate time to wear a face mask, but generally, no, it’s not necessary.”
[clip] DR. LISA BROUSSEAU, ScD, expert on infectious diseases, Professor (retired), UIC: “Cloth masks, in my opinion, don’t work in any form. They aren’t, aren’t very good at source control except for maybe very large particles. And they’re not very, not, they should not be used in health care settings. So, at the end of the day, the only thing that provides personal protective equipment is, or personal protection, to the person wearing the mask, is a respirator. My biggest problem with wearing, telling people they can wear masks, is it gives you this false sense of security, and, it might even encourage you to think that now you’re protect—you’re protected and you’re protecting people around you. And I’m seeing more and more people now wearing cloth masks, uh, on the streets and, I don’t go to stores anymore, but my understanding is they’re wearing them there as well. I don’t have a problem with people wearing them, I just want them to understand that they aren’t very much more protected than if they weren’t wearing them, and they’re really not doing a whole lot of good for the people around them. It’s, um, not recognizing that the mode of transmission for this organism is likely small aerosols and close range and wearing a cloth mask doesn’t, shouldn’t, give you any feeling of safety from being close to people. It shouldn’t make you feel that you’re, not being, not generating small particles, ‘cause you still are. The article recently about a funeral – they were, they were, a number of people attended the funeral, they were all wearing masks, they were taking photos next to each other, they were talking, and a number of people got infected. So, it’s very clear, these things do no good [laughs]. The important thing is to say, ‘Here’s what the science tells us.’ Um, my conversations with people these days, I often point out that what we’re seeing is a lot of ‘magical thinking.’ A lot of ‘wishful thinking.’ Cloth masks are wishful thinking. I, I don’t necessarily discourage the public from wearing them if it makes them feel comfortable, but I hope they don’t think that they’re protecting themselves.”
[clip with Announcer describing]: “It’s the safety video going viral. An Argentinian fire fighter with a deodorant can, simulating a sneeze or cough.”
[clip] DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: “Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And often, there are unintended consequences – people keep fiddling with the mask, and they keep touching their face.”
[clip] DR. JEROME ADAMS, U.S. Surgeon General: “A surgical mask, let’s start with that one, does not protect you from the respi-, uh, from a respiratory virus. It’s got, uh, leaks all around it and, uh, it’s really designed as a barrier protection for people in the operating room, that’s why they call it a surgical mask. The N95, which is the one that people are buying up, important also to understand, that, uh, that N95 mask, I have to be fit-tested for it. I’ve got to make sure I’ve got a tight seal to wear it as a healthcare provider. The average person out there, the average citizen, that mask is not going to protect them. And as a matter of fact, in most cases, they’re actually going to increase their risk of being contaminated with, with a virus when they, when they’re wearing that mask improperly because they tend to touch their face, they tend to move it around; it’s very uncomfortable, it’s hard to breathe and, not only are you not preventing yourself from getting a disease, you may be increasing your chance of getting a disease, by wearing that mask.”
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Home > Videos > Experts Say Masks Are Useless
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The DELETED Article That Started This Site
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Facemasks in the Era of COVID-19: A Health Hypothesis
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